EarthScope Announcements

E&O Impacts Survey—Please Complete!

The EarthScope Education and Outreach Subcommittee created a survey to gauge the impact of EarthScope Education and Outreach efforts across NSF-funded EarthScope projects. We request that Principal Investigators or Co-Principal Investigators of EarthScope projects take a few minutes to complete that survey. To complete our survey online or to print a pdf of the survey, click here.

The committee thanks you in advance for your participation!

Final Call for Synthesis Workshop Proposals

The EarthScope National Office (ESNO) is opening its final call for proposals for Synthesis Workshops. We anticipate supporting 3 more workshops on topics within the entire breadth of EarthScope science (although preference will be given to proposals that do not overlap with previous workshops).

Synthesis Workshops are envisioned to be small groups of 10-15 people who work towards synthesis of multiple types of data focused on a single topic or region that has been significantly informed by EarthScope data. More information, including a list of the 6 workshops supported so far; the application form, a summary of our evaluation rubric, and how we will support your workshop can be found on our  Final Call page.

Discover EarthScope Science at the Upcoming GSA and AGU Meetings

The EarthScope National Office compiles lists of EarthScope-related presentations at the main international Earth Science meetings. The list for GSA is available here. And if you are at GSA, swing by the EarthScope booth (#411)!

AGU List of sessions

GSA List of sessions

AGU Town Hall

Join the EarthScope National Office for updates on our science and synthesis accomplishments and goals at our annual Town Hall session at this year’s AGU conference in New Orleans. Wednesday, December 13, from 12:30–1:30 pm at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, room 225–227. Lunch will be provided.

Visit the EarthScope Video Collection on YouTube

EarthScope Youtube Channel has a wide variety of video footage, including a general overview of “what is EarthScope?”, scientist testimonials of how they use EarthScope data, and scientific and instrumentation overviews. Our recent summary of the final EarthScope National Meeting is included.

Humans of EarthScope

Learn about the person behind the science on our new website, “Humans of EarthScope,” which tells the stories of how scientists using the array of EarthScope data were drawn to their fields of research. Common themes: the allure of field work and the wonder of deep time.

New EarthScope Stories on the Web

The EarthScope National Office renews front-page stories regularly. Be sure to visit our website every so often to read about emerging EarthScope science and to stay up to date on announcements and developments. For example, our recent intern describes her unique summer experience in remote Alaska. All stories are archived here: